Saturday, February 6, 2010

Boots Factory

Posted on 9:12 PM by daddi amma

check how boots are maked

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There is footwear in Russia that is quite popular in the country, and it’s called felt boots. But also, they have the other name, Russian one, which most of you probably know, here they are called Valenki. And recently they’ve started gaining popularity again because of their low price, warm and usability. But even here there are few people who know how and where they are made. Today we have a bit of insight to Kalyazinsk felt boots factory for you.

Presently, the plant doesn’t have any problems with its business and sometimes it happens that the day that lot of goods reaches a shop – it is being sold out immediately. But in spite of such high demand, it doesn’t have anything to do with prosperity of the plant and its employees.

Shabby-looking working-rooms, worn-out outfit and average wage of 5000 roubles or $170. That’s how the valenki is being made.

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Felt boots are being made of several kinds of wool. After the kneading, wool is chopped and transferred to a blending tower.

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Under pressure, wool is transferred from blending towers to the shop floors and packed into special wool beating machines.

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Afterwards, the newborn cotton wool is being shaped into to-be valenok by hand.

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To make it much harder the felt boots should be sent to a compactor.

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Then the shaping process goes in.

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A bit after the valenki are shrinked on a metal shoetree and stay there for 8 hours approximately.

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Duty operator person.

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In finishing shop they clear the nap off the felt boots.

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Then they sort the boots out and pair them

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If the rubber soil is needed, the valenki are being sent to a curing room.

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And the last stage is a room where all the felt boots are smartened.

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Industrial retail store.

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And as a special treat is a sunken belltower in Kalyazino.

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